Book of Esther
Media inquiries and author appearances:
Alex Larned, Crown,
Foreign rights:
Eric Simonoff, William Morris Endeavor
(212) 903-1100
Foreign rights:
Jeanette Cohen, Farrar, Straus & Giroux
(212) 741-6900
Testament of Yves Gundron
Foreign rights:
Cecile Barendsma, Janklow & Nesbit Associates
(212) 421-1700
Film rights for all three books:
Eric Simonoff, William Morris Endeavor
(212) 903-1100
Things I’d be delighted to do
Come give a reading for your program or reading series
Participate in a panel at your festival
Do an interview or conversation for your publication
Guest blog, or write you an essay
Lecture or guest-teach at your college- or graduate-level writing program
Offer my workshop “Great Performances: How to Give Better Readings” to your graduate or undergraduate writing program
Speak with your library or book group — even if I can’t always make it in person, I’m happy to Skype or conference call
What I cannot do at present: Blurb your book. Apologies, I’ve done a lot of them lately, and need to have time and space for my own writing and teaching.
If you’d like to get in touch with me about any of the above, please DM me at Instagram.